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BLS Analysis for December 2012

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 1/4/13   December BLS Preface TBMG News To potential students:  If you want to increase your income as a recruiter, all the details of my three coaching plans are available to you on my website:  www.TheMarshallPlan.org or you can reach me at 770-898-5550 or bob@themarshallplan.org.    Preface Many of you continue to […]

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BLS Analysis for November 2012

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 12/7/12    November BLS Preface   Special BLS note – In October, 2012, 75,000 “Jobs” Were Created From Thin Air: CNBC Op-Ed, Gary Kominsky, 11/5/12 *75,000 of the 171,000 jobs claimed in October were ‘seasonally adjusted’ jobs; *Seasonal adjustment was decreased from minus to minus ; *911,000 jobs are counted ‘not […]

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BLS Analysis for October 2012

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 11/2/12   October BLS Preface   Special BLS note concerning last month’s analysis: For those of you who read all of my BLS Analyses, you know that last month’s numbers just didn’t make sense to me.  Well, I think I have finally figured out why.  It has been reported from many […]

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BLS Analysis for September 2012

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 10/5/12   September BLS Preface   TBMG News   To potential students:  If you want to increase your income as a recruiter, all the details of my three plans are available to you on my website: www.TheMarshallPlan.org or you can reach me at 770-898-5550.   Preface Over the past months, some […]

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BLS Analysis for August 2012

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 9/7/12   August BLS Preface TBMG News For those of you who have asked, yes, it is true.  I am expanding my training schedule to accommodate new students, both individually and in groups.  So, if you want or need to increase your income as a recruiter, all the details are available […]

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BLS Analysis for July 2012

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 8/3/12   July BLS Preface   TBMG News For those of you who have asked, yes, it is true.  I am expanding my training schedule to accommodate new students, both individually and in groups.  So, if you want or need to increase your income as a recruiter, all the details are […]

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BLS Analysis for June 2012

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 7/6/12   June BLS Preface   Preface Over the past months, some of you have corresponded with me about these monthly BLS analyses and asked if it is OK to use them in your presentations.  The answer is, of course, yes!  That is why I spend the time to write down […]

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BLS Analysis for May 2012

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 6/11/12 May BLS Preface *Special Note:  I apologize for the lateness in getting this May BLS Analysis to you.  I just returned from speaking at last week’s Fordyce Forum in Dallas, Texas.  I also had the opportunity to enjoy the Texas hospitality accorded me during a day’s visit with Jeff Kaye […]

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BLS Analysis for April 2012

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 5/4/12   April BLS Preface Over the past months, some of you have corresponded with me about these monthly BLS analyses and asked if it is OK to use them in your presentations.  The answer is, of course, yes!  That is why I spend the time to write down this information.  […]

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BLS Analysis for March 2012

Bob Marshall’s BLS Analysis; 4/6/12   March BLS Preface Over the past months, some of you have corresponded with me about these monthly BLS analyses and asked if it is OK to use them in your presentations.  The answer is, of course, yes!  That is why I spend the time to write down this information.  […]

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